This is a list of the pages and blog posts that this website contains.


Blog Posts

On “Religious” Atheists and “Rational” Believers

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of the simplistic “Religion vs Science” trope. As if humans can be so easily categorized and therefore readily “adored or ignored.” But in my experience after working with humans for over two decades, we are a bit more complex. There are indeed conformists who believe in…

Why You Are Not Being Fully “Heard”: 3 Brains, 6 Gaps, 1 Solution

Be it with friends and family or colleagues and bosses, we have all had the experience of scratching our heads as we realize that the important conversation we had a few hours/days/weeks ago had zero impact on the other person. You walk away thinking, “s/he/they just doesn’t care.” However, here is what I think may…

Adulting Better with Adult Development: See It, Feel It, Do It

“Adulting” is a silly but catchy term that means engaging in the behaviors of a responsible adult (holding down a job, making monthly payments, and overall physical self-care). The “Urban Dictionary” includes the following:  “…responsibilities expected of fully developed individuals.” From this perspective adulting basically means maturity.

A Hiring Paradox for Leaders: Shamans Instead of Witch-Doctors

The hardest part of leadership is developing the so-called “soft skills.” That is the message we get from such diverse sources as Adam Grant (Give and Take), Amy Edmondson (Teaming), and Andy Grove’s classic for managers who have difficulty with the soft-side of leadership, High Output Management. Who has the time?!?

Meditation is the Marshmallow Experiment for Adults

You already know about the marshmallow experiment, but have you considered that you are part of an even bigger experiment? The “meditation experiment” has been going on for thousands of years in the East, and hundreds (if not thousands) of years in the West. It really took off in the West when the more evolved…

Procrastination Works (Which is the Problem)

We All Procrastinate for the Same Reason: Willpower Just Isn’t Enough Part of my “Fight/Flight/Freeze” series on brain & behavior. Freeze = Procrastination. I write about things like spectrums as a metaphor and the balance of forces in terms of polarities. But here, I want to discuss something that affects all of us: procrastination. The problem…